Darke County Airport
9724 State Route 121
Versailles, OH 45380
DOWNLOAD: DC Airport Courtesy Car Contract

Darke County Animal Control
5066 County Home Rd.
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937.547.1645
FAX: 937.548.7946
The Darke County Animal Shelter provides humane dog-control and care. To ensure safety and welfare of people and animals through professional law enforcement and community relations. To provide the best possible chance of reuniting lost dogs with their owners.

Darke County Board of Elections
300 Garst Ave., Suite 7
Greenville, OH 45331
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday)
Telephone: (937) 548-1835
Fax: (937) 548-2820
Each of Ohio’s 88 counties has a Board of Elections (BOE) office that is responsible for administering local elections. A four-person board governs each BOE; with two members from each major political party. All petitions for local, legislative, and congressional district offices are filed at Boards of Elections as well as petitions for local issues and options. Campaign finance reports for local candidates, political parties, and political action committees are also filed at BOEs.

Darke County Building Regulations
520 S. Broadway
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937-547-7379
Office Clerk: Tina McKee -
DC Residential submissions & plan approvals will be handled by:
Robert (Rob) England, Jr. – Chief Building Official
Building & Electrical Inspectors:
Jason Cantrell & John Filby
Miami County Department of Development:
510 W. Water Suite 120 - Troy, OH 45373
Phone: 937-440-8121
Hours of Operation:
M-F 8:00 a.m to 3:30 p.m (Closed for Lunch... 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
Darke County Building Regulations requires Residential & Commercial electrical and heating/HVAC permits & inspections as well as Construction permits and inspections (this pertains to all new construction, additions or replacement)
Contractors, property owners, or any persons performing construction, electrical or heating & cooling work on residential properties in any of the following areas are required to obtain a permit from the Building Department; the department services all unincorporated areas of Darke County as well as in the City of Greenville, the Villages of Ansonia, Arcanum, Castine, Gettysburg, Ithaca, New Madison, New Weston, Pitsburg, Union City, Versailles, Wayne Lakes & Yorkshire with additional villages possibly being added in the future.
It is critically important to note that our department is not the only entity which may have jurisdiction over any particular project. Various Cities, Villages, and Townships have authority over zoning (Un-Zoned areas must contact one of their Township Trustees), as well as all construction jobs must have authorization from the Darke County Health Department 937-548-4196
To obtain your residential permits please apply at the Darke County Building Regulations office located at 520 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH 45331, phone – 937-547-7379
For building permits you will be required to submit two (2) sets of scaled construction drawings for review & approval; the construction drawings should include a foundation plan, floor plan, exterior & interior bearing wall cross sections, roof detail, and exterior elevations.
For electric or heating & cooling permits, you will need to supply information regarding the specifics of the work.
To obtain your Commercial building, electrical, heating and/or cooling permits – plans should be submitted to the Miami County Department of Development located at 510 W. Water St., Suite 120, Troy, OH 45373 – phone 937-440-8121 – note that once approved, all commercial inspections will be scheduled & inspected by our Darke County Inspectors.
*All Darke County Inspections will be handled by our Darke County Inspectors
Zoning Inspector: Curtis Yount 937-547-7381 or

County Administration
520 South Broadway
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Phone: (937) 547-7370
County Commissioners
Matt Aultman -
Larry Holmes -
Marshall Combs -
Administration Staff
Dale Musser - Facilities & Safety Manager -
Robin Blinn - Administrative Clerk/Secretary -
Karen Avore - Assistant Clerk/Secretary -
Charity Hutt - Sewer District Administrator -
Sally Keiser - Administrative Assistant-Grants Office -
Lynda York -HR Coordinator/Business Manager -
Curtis Yount - Planning & Zoning Director -
All Ohio counties organized under the general statutory law have three county commissioners, two being elected at the time of the presidential election and one at the time of the gubernatorial election. The county commissioner elected at the gubernatorial election takes office on January 1st, and the two elected at the presidential election take office on January 2nd and 3rd. Candidates for these two commissioner positions must file for either the January 2 or 3 position (ORC 305.01).
County commissioners make up the general administrative body for county government. As indicated above, they can perform those duties which are specifically authorized by the General Assembly and no more. They are the county government taxing, budgeting, appropriating, and purchasing authority. They hold title to county property. Individual commissioners have no power to act independently. All formal and official actions must be taken by the board of county commissioners acting as a body by majority or unanimous vote.
Commissioners also have a myriad of other responsibilities including hearing and ruling on annexations, approving drainage improvements through the petition ditch process, establishing water and sewer districts and making improvements, and providing for solid waste disposal.

Darke County Courts
Darke County has three courts to handle domestic, criminal and other legal related matters. See list below of each court with contact information.
Common Pleas: Judge Travis Fliehman
504 South Broadway, Suite 10
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937.547-7335
Municipal Court: Judge Julie L. Monnin
504 South Broadway, Suite 7
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937.547.7340
Fax: 937.547.7378
Juvenile/Probate Court: Judge Jason R. Aslinger
300 Garst Avenue
Greenville, OH 45331
Juvenile Phone: 937-547-7350
Probate Phone: 937-547-7345
Fax: 937-547-1945

Darke County Highway Garage
7670 Greenville-Celina Rd
Greenville, OH
Phone: (937) 548-1915
Max Guillozet, Highway Superintendent –
Chris Erisman, Asst. Highway Superintendent –
The Darke County Garage, under the direction of the County Engineer, maintains 521 miles of roadway along with maintenance and new construction of 530 bridges. This includes road signage, mowing and brush control of roadway right of ways, snow removal, large and small culvert replacements, asphalt crack sealing, and other means of pavement preservation. This department also maintains and repairs all of County Highway equipment and vehicles.

Darke County Parks
Robb Clifford, Director
P.O. Box 801
4267 State Route 502
Greenville, OH 45331
Tel: 937-548-0165
Fax: 937-548-2935
Darke County Parks are unlike many metropolitan park systems. Our parks have purposefully evolved to compliment our agriculture community, providing passive recreation in a variety of natural settings. Instead of ball fields and playgrounds our parks embrace and preserve the natural habitats and cultural features that are an important and integral part of our community.
Many of our parks have their origin in land donations from private citizens wishing to preserve a unique corner of the natural world for future generations to enjoy. Our mission avoids aggressive land acquisition in favor of preserving special natural and historically significant features and to manage and maintain these resources for the benefit of residents. Passive recreation, and appropriate educational programs and activities are the focus of the mission of your Darke County Parks.
We hope this website encourages you to explore your parks and take advantage of all they offer. From a quiet walk through a shaded forest, to a guided hike to discover spring wildflowers, to a Nature Center full of interesting displays for the entire family, Darke County Parks has something for every one.

Darke County Developmental Disabilities
5844 Jaysville-St. Johns Road
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Phone: 937-548-9057
Fax: 937-548-5458
The Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities helps people with developmental disabilities live their best lives. We serve as your partner and advocate. We'll help you develop a unique plan to reach your goals. We work
with approximately 500 infants, children, adults, and seniors. We'll do a full assessment of your needs and connect your with programs and services right here in our community.
Eligibility Determination: To find out if you or your loved one is eligible for services, please reach out to us.
Child Services (birth to age 5): We're here to support parents in Darke County. Our team will connect you with the developmental specialists, therapists, and equipment that best meets your child's need. We'll help you navigate the system and monitor your child's progress along the way.
School-Age Services (ages 6-13): Your are your child's best advocate. Whether it's tutoring, life-skills training, or therapies, we'll help you develop a plan that works for your child and your family.
Teen Services (ages 14-22): Map out the life and future you want. We will help you discover community programs, social activities and even job training opportunities.
Service & Support Administration (SSA): Let our team help you to develop and carry out a plan for your future so you can start living your life to the fullest.
In the Community: Let us help you stay engaged and connected to your community through volunteering and advocacy.
Residential Living: We can help you choose where you want to live, whether it's in the community, with family, or elsewhere.
Service Partners: Our team works with a network of skilled and dedicated providers to support people with personal care, day programs, transportation, and more.

Darke County Economic Development
Mike Bowers, Director -
537 S. Broadway
Greenville, OH
Phone: 937-548-3250
Darke County Economic Development, along with its governing body, the Community Improvement Corporation of Darke County, work together with local public and private entities and individuals to help foster new opportunities for Darke County businesses and citizens through the Partnering for Progress (P4P) initiative.

Darke County, Ohio Emergency Management Agency
Mindy Saylor, Director -
5183 County Home Road
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Phone: 937-548-1444
Fax: 937-547-4617
Originally organized as Disaster Services (Civil Defense) by County Commissioner’s in February 1978, the name was changed to Emergency Management in 1989. In 2003, upon the recommendation of the US Department of Homeland Security, EMA officially changed the title to Darke County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency (EMA).
The Darke County EMA was established in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code (ORC 5502) for the purpose of overseeing the planning, response, recovery and mitigation of any and all major disasters/emergencies that occur within the county. The Darke County EMA serves all political subdivisions within the county including all townships, villages and municipalities.
The EMA has the responsibility for maintaining the county’s Emergency Operation Center (EOC) located at the Darke County Sheriff’s Office complex, 5183 County Home Road in Greenville. The agency is also charged with the establishment and updating of the county’s Emergency Operations Plan. This plan is the county’s formal outline of emergency response to all types of disasters/emergencies likely to occur here including flood, tornado, winter storms, drought, earthquake, hazardous materials releases, transportation crashes, civil disorder, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and radiological emergencies.

Darke County Educational Services
5279 Education Drive
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937-548-4915
Fax: 937-548-8920
The Darke County Educational Service Center (ESC) is dedicated to the task of providing services to the students of Darke County. This is done by working with the local districts in providing cooperative services which the local district might not be able to provide. The relationship between the ESC and the schools of Darke County is one of service and leadership.
Even though there are some duties authorized by statute for a Governing Board and some duties imposed by statute on a Governing Board, the Darke County Governing Board of the Educational Service Center consider their main responsibility as being that of service in providing the help to obtain the highest goals and objectives for the educational programs for the students of Darke County. Below is a summary of the services provided to districts in Darke County.

Darke County Fair Housing (Darke County Board of Commissioners)
520 South Broadway
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: (937) 547-7368
Fair Housing laws are designed to protect your right to seek housing anywhere you can afford to live. The Fair Housing Act is enforced by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Federal Fair Housing Act and Chapter 4112 of the Ohio Revised Code specifically make it illegal to discriminate in housing or dwelling related transactions. The National Fair Housing Act of 1968 (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968), was amended to broaden protection through the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 which became effective in March 12, 1989. The Federal Fair Housing Act, and Chapter 4112 of the Ohio Revised Code address the discrimination in housing on the basis of:
• Ancestry (Ohio Law) – Refers to an individual’s line of decent or lineage;
• Color – Refers to a person’s complexion or skin tone;
• Disability – Refers to an person’s physical or mental disability;
• Familial Status – Refers to children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women; and people securing custody of children under 18;
• National origin – Refers to the country in which a person was born, or from which the person’s ancestors came;
• Race – Refers to a family, tribe, or group of people coming from the same common ancestors;
• Religion – Refers to all aspects of religious belief, observance, and practice;
• Sex – Refers to either the male or female gender;
• Military status (Ohio Law) – Refers to a person’s status in “service in the uniformed services”.

Darke County Fire & Rescue
Darke County’s volunteer fire and rescue departments are made up of local men and women dedicated to serving their community. Below is list of active departments and contact information of each.
Ansonia: 110 W Weller St - Ansonia, OH 45303 - 937-337-1811
Arcanum: 208 S Main St - Arcanum, OH 45304 - 937-692-8170
Bradford: 200 S Miami Ave - Bradford, OH 45308 - 937-448-2686
Burkettsville: 17 Main St - Burkettsville, OH 45310 - 419-375-4752
Gettysburg: 215 Factory St - Gettysburg, OH 45328 - 937-447-2121
Greenville Township: 1401 Sater St - Greenville, OH 45331 - 937-316-6200
Hollansburg: 109 E Union St - Hollansburg, OH 45332 - Phone: 937-997-4881
Liberty Township: 108 N Main St - Palestine, OH 45352 - 937-548-6298
New Madison: 215 N Main St - New Madison, OH 45346 - 937-996-3021
North Star: 40 N Main St - North Star, OH 45350 - 419-336-5108
Osgood: 125 Main St - Osgood, OH 45351 - 419-582-2101
Pitsburg: 136 Lumber St - Pitsburg, OH 45358 - 937-692-5536
Rossburg: 101 S Broad St - Rossburg, OH 45362 - 937-338-6154
Departments that provide EMS Services
Ansonia Rescue
225 W. Elroy Ansonia Rd.
Ansonia, Ohio 45303
Arcanum Rescue
202 S. Main St.
Arcanum, Ohio 45304
Bradford Fire and Rescue
(Fire and EMS)
200 S. Miami Ave
Bradford, Ohio 45308
Gettysburg Fire and Rescue
(Fire and EMS)
215 Factory St
Gettysburg, Ohio 45328
Greenville Township Emergency Services (Fire and EMS)
1401 Sater St. P.O. Box 188
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Osgood Rescue
125 W. Main St.
Osgood, Ohio 45351
Tri-Village Rescue
320 N. Main St
New Madison, Ohio 45346
Union City Fire and Rescue
(Fire and EMS)
401 E. Elm St.
Union City, Ohio 45390
Versailles Rescue
320 Baker Rd
Versailles, Ohio 45380

Darke County Health Services
300 Garst Avenue
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Phone: 937-548-4196
The mission of the Darke County General Health District is to develop and maintain an efficient and effective system which will provide for the highest quality of public health services and to promote and protect the Darke County Community’s physical, mental, social, and environmental well being.
Learn more about the Darke County General Health District on our website:

Darke County Job & Family Services
631 Wagner Ave
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937-548-4132
The Darke County Job & Family services center offers assistance in employment searching, financial aid application services for families in need and other assistance for local residents.
OhioMeansJobs Darke County offers a variety of services to both job seekers and employers. Services for Job Seekers Include:
Assistance with job searching, resume building, applying to jobs, partner information, WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), CCMEP (Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program), free Job Readiness classes and more.
Employer Services Include: job posting assistance, interviewing space, labor market information, pre-screening resumes and applicants and more.
We are proud to offer priority of services to U.S. military veterans and eligible spouses.
603 Wagner Ave
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937-548-4132 Option #6
Post your resume and search jobs on
Normal business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm.

Darke County Public Libraries
Darke County hosts several public libraries including a law library located near downtown Greenville.
Darke County Community Libraries
Arcanum Public Library - 101 West North Street - Arcanum, Ohio
Phone: 937-692-8484
Bradford Public Library - 138 E Main Street - Bradford, Ohio
Phone: 937-448-2612
Darke County Law Library - 124 W 5th Street - Greenville, Ohio
Phone: 937-547-9741
Greenville Public Library - 520 Sycamore Street - Greenville, Ohio
Phone: 937-548-3915
Union City Library - 408 N Columbia Street - Union City, Indiana
Phone: 765-964-4748
Worch Memorial Library - 790 S Center Street - Versailles, Ohio
Phone: 937-526-3416
New Madison Public Library- 142 S. Main St., New Madison, OH
Phone 937-996-1741​
LINK: Google Map - Library locations & directions
*The Darke County Law Library offers materials are available for reference use only in the library. Law Library staff will provide assistance to individuals in locating materials, but cannot, by law, give legal advice, interpret any material, or fill out forms. For anyone taking legal action, it is recommended that an attorney be consulted.

Darke County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff: Mark Whittaker -
5185 County Home Rd.
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937-548-3399
As a citizen you can depend on the Sheriff’s Office to help make a community that is safe and trouble free. But to be truly effective, a Sheriff’s Office depends on your cooperation. Crime and accidents result in the great costs of lives, money, and pain. The Sheriff’s Office is working hard to protect you from these dangers. Your support is vital in the Sheriff’s efforts to prevent and solve crimes, eliminate hazards in and around the community, keep the courts and jails running efficiently, and keep traffic moving smoothly and safely.
Courts: Sheriffs help to maintain a secure court system by providing courtroom security. Section 311.07 of the Ohio Revised Code, places the responsibility of the court house upon the Sheriff, under the direction and control of the board of county commissioners.
Jail operation: By law the Sheriff shall have charge of the county jail and all persons confined therein. He must do this in a fair and impartial way.
Prisoner transportation: Sheriffs throughout Ohio transport thousands of prisoners each year. Deliveries are made to and from state institutions, holding facilities, and courts, and extraditions are made from other states.
Police services: Due to Ohio’s rural nature, many communities cannot afford their own police forces. Many of Ohio’s communities have law enforcement contracts with the county Sheriff. The Sheriff’s Office also provides law enforcement services, security, and crowd control for special events such as county fairs, concerts and sporting events.
Traffic control: Sheriffs’ personnel are professionally trained in traffic control and vehicle crash investigation. Much of the traffic control and enforcement in our state is done by the Sheriff. Traffic control covers anything from enforcement of traffic laws to directing traffic around special events and construction projects.
Civil process service: Sheriffs are the agency primarily responsible for the service or “delivery” of legal documents in the State. This includes summonses, subpoenas, and law suits. Sheriffs also do evictions, repossessions, attach, and seize and sell property as ordered by the court.
Communications: For many counties in the state the Sheriff operates and maintains a 24 hour-a-day dispatch center that also provides dispatch services for other agencies such as police, fire departments and volunteer ambulance associations.
Specialized programs: Sheriffs help to control crime and traffic with specialized DUI enforcement programs, and drug and alcohol awareness programs.
Community involvement: Sheriffs are part of our communities, interacting with adults and students alike. Many programs are available, and speakers from the Sheriff’s Office give talks on many different aspects of the what your Sheriff’s Office does.

Darke County Solid Waste
Director: Krista Fourman-Unger
684 Wagner Ave.
Greenville, OH 45331
Phone: 937-547-0827
Fax: 937-547-1496
As a Solid Waste Management District, we are to assure there is sufficient capacity available to dispose of local waste and to implement programs to reduce, reuse, and recycle 50% of the waste that is generated by local businesses and residents. We are also required to ensure that 90% of the county residents have access to recycling, or to provide data that 25% (or more) of residents are actually participating in recycling programs.
The Darke County Solid Waste District (SWD), which serves the entire county, promotes recycling, waste reduction and responsible disposal of all waste from households, businesses and industry. One of 52 solid waste districts in Ohio, Darke County SWD is responsible for implementing a solid waste district plan which the Darke County Board of Commissioners, political subdivisions and Ohio EPA approved every five years. Solid Waste districts were created in 1992 by HB 592.
A per ton solid waste contract fee funds the District. The fee is collected whenever waste originating from Darke County is deposited in Ohio landfills. This fee is used to run the district’s many recycling programs.
The Board of Commissioners appoints the Darke County SWD Policy Committee which consists of a county commissioner designee, township designee, general interest representative, largest municipality representative, local health district representative, public sector representative and an industrial generator representative.

Darke County Veteran Services
Department Head/Services Director: Thomas Pitman, USAF Retired
611 Wagner Ave, Greenville
Phone: 937-548-5305
The Veteran’s Service Office’s mission is to advise and assist present and former members of the Armed Forces of the United States, veterans, and their spouses, surviving spouses, children, parents, and dependents in presenting claims or obtaining rights or benefits under any law of the United States or of the State of Ohio.
The Veterans’ Service Office is a county agency dedicated to aiding veterans in times of need. We provide the following services:
Emergency financial assistance to eligible veterans and family members who have demonstrated a need.
Assistance when dealing with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The Veterans’ Service Office represents and assists veterans, spouses, dependent children, surviving widows and parents of deceased veterans entitled to DIC, when they apply to the VA for benefits.
Transportation to the Dayton VA Medical Center.
Ohio Revised Code 5901 provides for the establishment of a Veterans Service Commission in each county throughout the state. The Court of Common Pleas appoints the five members of the Commission which makes policies, rules and regulations in order to implement the law. Each person on the commission shall be an honorably discharged or honorably separated veteran. One person shall be a representative recommended by the American Legion; one person shall be a representative recommended by the Veterans of Foreign Wars; one person shall be a representative recommended by the Disabled American Veterans; one person shall be a representative recommended by the AMVETS; one person shall be a representative recommended by the Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A., the Vietnam Veterans of America, or Korean War Veterans.
Ohio is the only state that provides such comprehensive support and services to its veterans. Each of the 88 counties in Ohio has a board of five appointed commissioners who administer the program for their respective county.